In the swiftly evolving landscape of cryptocurrency and decentralized finance (DeFi), Zebec emerges as a groundbreaking project. It’s focused on creating a continuous settlement protocol on Solana, enabling users to stream payments in real-time. This innovation presents a significant leap towards fluid financial transactions in the DeFi space. For cryptocurrency enthusiasts looking to harness the power of Zebec, incorporatingAdd Zebec to Trust Walletis an essential step. This detailed guide is crafted to navigate you through the process of adding Zebec to Trust Wallet, ensuring that you can securely manage and engage with your Zebec holdings.

What Is Zebec?

What Is Zebec?

Before delving into the technical process, let’s understand what Zebec is. Zebec is a revolutionary payment solution built on the Solana blockchain that facilitates real-time, continuous money streams. This means that instead of traditional one-time transactions, Zebec allows for ongoing payments—ideal for salaries, subscriptions, and other periodic payments. The Zebec protocol utilizes its native token within the ecosystem for transactions, governance, and rewarding participants, making it a vital asset for users involved in the platform.

How To Add Zebec to Trust Wallet

Step 1: Install and Configure Trust Wallet

To begin, you’ll need to have Trust Wallet installed on your mobile device. Trust Wallet is available for both iOS and Android users and can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store. After downloading, follow the in-app prompts to create your wallet. It’s crucial to write down and securely store your recovery phrase, as it’s necessary for accessing your wallet if you lose your device or forget your password.

Step 2: Utilize the Wallet’s ‘Receive’ Function

With Trust Wallet set up, proceed to the ‘Receive’ function to generate a wallet address for your Zebec tokens. Since Trust Wallet supports a multitude of cryptocurrencies across various blockchains, make sure you generate the correct address corresponding to the Solana network, which Zebec operates on.

Step 3: Locate Zebec

Attempt to locate Zebec directly within Trust Wallet’s vast list of supported tokens. If Zebec is natively supported, you can easily add it to your wallet’s main interface for quick access.

Step 4: Manual Addition of Zebec (If Required)

If Zebec is not automatically listed in Trust Wallet, you may need to add it manually. Follow these steps:

  1. Tap on the plus icon or navigate to the settings to access the search function.
  2. If Zebec doesn’t appear, select “Add Custom Token.”
  3. Since Zebec is on the Solana blockchain, you might need to add it as a custom token on another supported wallet that accommodates Solana tokens or use Trust Wallet’s feature for adding tokens on supported networks, adjusting this step as the application’s functionalities evolve.
  4. Enter the contract address for Zebec, its name, symbol, and decimals. This information can usually be found on the official Zebec website or reliable crypto asset tracking platforms.

Step 5: Acquiring Zebec Tokens

After adding Zebec to your Trust Wallet, the next step is acquiring Zebec tokens. You can purchase them through a cryptocurrency exchange that lists Zebec and then transfer the tokens to your Trust Wallet using the address generated earlier. Ensure that the transaction is conducted on the Solana network to avoid any potential issues.

Step 6: Zebec Tokens Management

Once your Zebec tokens have been transferred to Trust Wallet, you can manage them directly within the app. This includes viewing your balance, sending tokens to other addresses, and using them for transactions within the Zebec ecosystem. Trust Wallet’s user-friendly interface makes it straightforward to manage your digital assets securely.

Can I Add Zebec to Trust Wallet?

Adding Zebec to Trust Wallet involves a few steps and might require manual addition, depending on the wallet’s current support for the Solana network and specific tokens. Always ensure you’re using the latest version of Trust Wallet to access the most up-to-date features and supported assets.

About Zebec

Zebec is transforming the way we think about payments in the digital age, leveraging the speed and efficiency of the Solana blockchain. Its continuous settlement protocol represents a significant innovation in the DeFi space, offering a wide range of applications from payroll to subscription services.


Incorporating Zebec into Trust Wallet allows you to securely engage with one of the most innovative projects in the cryptocurrency space. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively manage your Zebec tokens, positioning yourself to take full advantage of continuous payment streams and the broader functionalities within the Zebec ecosystem.

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