In an era where digital currencies are rapidly evolving, Add Reserve Rights to Trust Wallet serves as a beacon for those looking to manage a diverse portfolio of cryptocurrencies securely and efficiently. This guide focuses on adding Reserve Rights (RSR), a token that plays a pivotal role in the Reserve Protocol aimed at maintaining the stability of the Reserve Token (RSV). Follow the steps outlined below to seamlessly add Reserve Rights to your Trust Wallet.

What Is Reserve Rights?

What Is Reserve Rights?

Reserve Rights (RSR) is a cryptocurrency token associated with the Reserve Protocol, a dual-token stablecoin platform designed to reduce the volatility commonly associated with cryptocurrencies. While the Reserve Token (RSV) is a stablecoin pegged to a basket of assets, the Reserve Rights token (RSR) is used to facilitate the stability of RSV and provide holders with the potential for speculative investment opportunities. RSR tokens can be used for governance purposes within the Reserve ecosystem and to purchase excess RSV tokens during contract events to maintain its peg.

How To Add Reserve Rights to Trust Wallet

Step 1: Install and Configure Trust Wallet

If you haven’t already installed Trust Wallet on your smartphone, head over to the App Store or Google Play Store to download it. After installation, open the app to create a new wallet. Ensure you follow the instructions carefully, especially when it comes to securing your recovery phrase—a critical step to safeguarding your assets.

Step 2: Utilize the Wallet’s ‘Receive’ Function

Once your wallet is set up, tap on the “Receive” icon. This function is crucial for obtaining your wallet address, which is needed to receive Reserve Rights or any other cryptocurrency.

Step 3: Locate Reserve Rights

Use the search bar within the ‘Receive’ section to look up “Reserve Rights” or “RSR.” If Trust Wallet has native support for RSR, it will appear in the search results, facilitating an easy way to manage and receive Reserve Rights tokens.

Step 4: Manual Addition of Reserve Rights (If Required)

Should Reserve Rights not be automatically found in Trust Wallet, you will need to manually add it by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the main screen of Trust Wallet and tap on the icon in the top-right corner to access the token search function.
  2. If Reserve Rights isn’t listed, select “Add Custom Token.”
  3. Switch the network to Ethereum, as RSR is an ERC-20 token.
  4. Enter the Reserve Rights contract address, along with the token name, symbol, and decimals. This information can be found on the official Reserve Protocol website or reputable crypto data sources.

Step 5: Acquiring Reserve Rights Tokens

To acquire RSR tokens, you can either participate in any ongoing token sales offered by the Reserve Protocol, if available, or purchase them through cryptocurrency exchanges. Once you have RSR tokens, use the “Receive” option in Trust Wallet, choose Reserve Rights, and share the provided address or QR code to transfer RSR tokens to your wallet.

Step 6: Reserve Rights Tokens Management

With RSR tokens in your Trust Wallet, you can manage them as you would any digital asset. This includes checking your balance, sending RSR to others, and using the tokens within the Reserve Protocol ecosystem or for trading.

Can I Add Reserve Rights to Trust Wallet?

Yes, Reserve Rights can be added to Trust Wallet, either through direct support or manual addition. This ensures that RSR holders can securely manage their tokens within one of the most reputable cryptocurrency wallets available today.

About Reserve Rights

Reserve Rights is an integral component of the Reserve Protocol, which seeks to create a stable, decentralized, and scalable currency free from the volatility of traditional cryptocurrencies. The innovative dual-token model offers a compelling use case in the world of DeFi, providing both stability and speculative interest.


Adding Reserve Rights to Trust Wallet is a straightforward process that enables users to securely manage their RSR tokens. Whether you’re participating in the Reserve ecosystem or holding RSR as an investment, Trust Wallet provides the tools you need to manage your assets effectively. Remember to always secure your recovery phrase and stay informed on the latest developments within the Reserve Protocol to make the most out of your investment.

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