In the fast-evolving world of blockchain technology, Openfabric AI emerges as a pioneering project aimed at integrating artificial intelligence (AI) with blockchain infrastructure to create a decentralized AI marketplace. This guide will navigate you through the process of Add Openfabric AI to Trust Wallet, enabling you to manage your investments securely and engage with the cutting-edge ecosystem of Openfabric AI.

What Is Openfabric AI?

What Is Openfabric AI?

Openfabric AI is a blockchain platform designed to democratize access to artificial intelligence technologies. It allows developers to create, share, and monetize AI services in a decentralized manner, while users and businesses can access a wide range of AI solutions without the need for extensive technical knowledge. The platform utilizes its native token for transactions within the ecosystem, facilitating the purchase of AI services, rewarding developers, and governing the platform’s future direction through decentralized decision-making processes.

How To Add Openfabric AI to Trust Wallet

Step 1: Install and Configure Trust Wallet

To start managing Openfabric AI tokens, first, ensure that Trust Wallet is installed on your mobile device. Trust Wallet is a comprehensive and secure mobile cryptocurrency wallet that supports a wide variety of digital assets, including ERC-20 tokens, which is the common standard for many blockchain projects including Openfabric AI. It is available for both iOS and Android. Download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store and follow the setup instructions to create a new wallet. Remember to securely back up your recovery phrase, as it is vital for accessing your funds if you lose your device or forget your password.

Step 2: Utilize the Wallet’s ‘Receive’ Function

Once your Trust Wallet is set up, navigate to the main screen where your assets are displayed. Select the “Receive” option to prepare for adding Openfabric AI tokens to your wallet. This will generate a wallet address that can receive the tokens.

Step 3: Locate Openfabric AI

Use Trust Wallet’s search functionality to look for Openfabric AI by typing its name or the token symbol if it is directly supported by Trust Wallet. If the token appears in the search results, select it to proceed to the next step.

Step 4: Manual Addition of Openfabric AI (If Required)

If Openfabric AI does not appear in Trust Wallet’s list of directly supported assets, you may need to add it manually. Navigate to the “Add Custom Token” option within the app. You will need the contract address for the Openfabric AI token, which can be found on the project’s official website or reputable cryptocurrency information platforms. Ensure you select the appropriate network (e.g., Ethereum for ERC-20 tokens), then input the contract address, token symbol, and decimals. This action will manually incorporate Openfabric AI into your wallet’s list of assets.

Step 5: Acquiring Openfabric AI Tokens

Openfabric AI tokens can be acquired through participating in the platform, purchasing them on cryptocurrency exchanges that list the token, or through initial offerings conducted by the project. Once you have Openfabric AI tokens, transfer them to your Trust Wallet using the address generated in Step 2.

Step 6: Openfabric AI Tokens Management

With Openfabric AI tokens in your Trust Wallet, you can manage them alongside your other cryptocurrency holdings. This includes sending tokens to other addresses, receiving more tokens, and monitoring your Openfabric AI token balance directly within the Trust Wallet app.

Can I add Openfabric AI to Trust Wallet?

Yes, you can add Openfabric AI to Trust Wallet, either through direct support or by manually adding the token using its contract address. Trust Wallet provides a secure and user-friendly platform for managing a broad spectrum of digital assets, including those at the forefront of integrating AI and blockchain technologies.

About Openfabric AI

Openfabric AI represents an innovative fusion of AI and blockchain, offering a decentralized platform for AI services that promises to transform industries and empower developers and businesses alike. By leveraging blockchain technology, Openfabric AI ensures transparency, security, and accessibility in the AI market, opening up new possibilities for innovation and collaboration.


Adding Openfabric AI to Trust Wallet is a straightforward process that empowers you to participate in the groundbreaking ecosystem of decentralized AI services. By securely managing your Openfabric AI tokens within Trust Wallet, you’re well-positioned to explore the benefits and opportunities presented by the convergence of AI and blockchain technology. Always ensure the security of your recovery phrase and engage in safe transaction practices to fully enjoy the advantages of Trust Wallet and the innovative Openfabric AI platform.

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