The digital asset world is vast and constantly expanding, with new tokens and platforms emerging regularly. One such innovative project is the MILC Platform (MIcro Licensing Coin), which aims to revolutionize the global media industry by addressing common issues related to content licensing, distribution, and copyright. If you’re interested in becoming part of this exciting ecosystem by Add MILC Platform to Trust Wallet, this guide is for you.

What Is MILC Platform?

What Is MILC Platform?

Before we delve into the process of adding MILC tokens to your Trust Wallet, let’s take a moment to understand what the MILC Platform is. The MILC Platform seeks to democratize the media and content industry by leveraging blockchain technology to facilitate fair, transparent, and direct transactions between content creators, distributors, and consumers. The platform’s native token, MILC, is used for transactions within the ecosystem, including content licensing and purchasing.

How To Add MILC Platform to Trust Wallet

Step 1: Install and Configure Trust Wallet

Your first step is to ensure you have Trust Wallet installed on your device. Trust Wallet is a secure and user-friendly mobile wallet that supports a wide variety of cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum, Bitcoin, and many ERC-20 tokens like MILC.

  1. Download and Install: Head over to the App Store or Google Play and download Trust Wallet.
  2. Create Your Wallet: Follow the app’s instructions to create a new wallet. Make sure to securely store your recovery phrase.
  3. Set Up Security Features: Activate security measures such as passcodes and biometric locks for enhanced safety.

Step 2: Utilize the Wallet’s ‘Receive’ Function

With your Trust Wallet ready, the next step is to prepare to receive MILC tokens.

  1. Open Trust Wallet: Navigate to the main wallet screen.
  2. Tap ‘Receive’: This action will display a list of cryptocurrencies.
  3. Search for MILC Platform: If MILC is listed, you’re all set. If not, proceed to the next steps for manual addition.

Step 3: Locate MILC Platform

If the MILC token doesn’t appear automatically in your Trust Wallet:

  1. Use the Search Function: At the top of the ‘Receive’ screen, you’ll find a search bar.
  2. Search for ‘MILC Platform’ or ‘MILC’: Type in the name or ticker of the token.

Step 4: Manual Addition of MILC Platform (If Required)

Should MILC not show up in your search results, you’ll need to add it manually:

  1. Navigate to Token Management: From the main wallet screen, tap the icon in the top-right to open the token management page.
  2. Add Custom Token: Scroll down and choose ‘Add Custom Token’.
  3. Enter MILC Details: Fill in the contract address, name (MILC Platform), symbol (MILC), and decimals for MILC. This information can be found on the MILC Platform’s official website or on crypto asset tracking platforms.

Step 5: Acquiring MILC Platform Tokens

Now that MILC is added to your Trust Wallet, you can proceed to acquire some tokens:

  1. Buy MILC: Purchase MILC tokens through a cryptocurrency exchange and transfer them to your Trust Wallet.
  2. Receive MILC: If you already own MILC tokens in another wallet, you can transfer them to your Trust Wallet using your wallet’s MILC address.

Step 6: MILC Platform Tokens Management

With MILC tokens in your Trust Wallet, you can now manage them as you see fit:

  • Check Your Balance: View your MILC token balance on the main wallet screen.
  • Send MILC: Use the ‘Send’ feature to transfer MILC tokens to others.
  • Receive MILC: Provide your MILC address to receive tokens from other users.

Can I add MILC Platform to Trust Wallet?

Absolutely, you can add MILC Platform tokens to Trust Wallet by following the comprehensive steps provided in this guide, ensuring your participation in the MILC ecosystem.

About MILC Platform

The MILC Platform represents an innovative approach to solving longstanding issues in the media and content industry through blockchain technology. By participating in this ecosystem, users can contribute to a more transparent, fair, and efficient global media landscape.


Adding MILC Platform tokens to your Trust Wallet is a straightforward process that unlocks new possibilities for engaging with the global media industry. By following this guide, you ensure that your MILC tokens are securely managed, allowing you to participate fully in the MILC ecosystem. As the digital asset world continues to grow, embracing platforms like MILC highlights the potential of blockchain technology to transform traditional industries.

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