Incorporating Decimated into Trust Wallet empowers you to manage your Decimated tokens efficiently, allowing for secure storage, transfer, and reception within one of the most trusted mobile wallet applications. This guide meticulously walks you through each step to Add Decimated to Trust Wallet, ensuring a straightforward experience.

What Is Decimated?

What Is Decimated?

Decimated is a blockchain-based game that leverages cryptocurrency and NFTs to create a post-apocalyptic world where players can engage in survival, scavenging, and combat within a vast multiplayer online environment. Its native token, often denoted as DIO or a similar ticker, facilitates in-game transactions, rewards, and governance, offering players not only entertainment but also an opportunity to earn through gameplay.

How To Add Decimated to Trust Wallet

Step 1: Install and Configure Trust Wallet

The initial step involves setting up Trust Wallet on your device:

  1. Download and Install: Search for Trust Wallet in the App Store or Google Play Store, download, and install the app.
  2. Create a Wallet: Follow the in-app guide to create a new wallet. It’s critical to write down and securely store your recovery phrase.
  3. Enhance Security: Activate additional security settings, such as a PIN code or biometric lock, to further secure your wallet.

Step 2: Utilize the Wallet’s ‘Receive’ Function

Familiarizing yourself with the ‘Receive’ function is essential for managing any cryptocurrency in Trust Wallet, including Decimated tokens.

  1. Open Trust Wallet: Navigate to the main screen after launching the app.
  2. Prepare to Receive Tokens: Select ‘Receive’ to generate a wallet address or QR code, which you’ll use to receive Decimated tokens.

Step 3: Locate Decimated

To store Decimated tokens in Trust Wallet, you must locate them within the app.

  1. Search for Decimated: Tap the “+” icon on the top right to access the search function. Enter “Decimated” or its ticker to check if it’s listed.
  2. Activate Decimated: If found, enable Decimated by toggling the button next to its name. If Decimated isn’t listed, proceed to manual addition.

Step 4: Manual Addition of Decimated (If Required)

Should Decimated not be pre-listed in Trust Wallet, you can add it manually:

  1. Obtain Contract Address: Locate the official Decimated token contract address from a reputable source such as the project’s website or a recognized crypto asset directory.
  2. Add Custom Token: In Trust Wallet, tap the “+” icon, scroll to the bottom, and select “Add Custom Token.” Change the network to Ethereum (or another relevant blockchain if applicable), paste the contract address, and the app should autofill the remaining details (name, symbol, decimals).
  3. Confirm the Addition: Save your changes, and Decimated will now be part of your Trust Wallet.

Step 5: Acquiring Decimated Tokens

With Decimated now added to your wallet, you can acquire tokens through various methods:

  1. Purchasing Decimated: Buy Decimated tokens on a cryptocurrency exchange and transfer them to your Trust Wallet.
  2. Receiving Decimated: Have Decimated tokens sent directly to your Trust Wallet from another wallet.

Step 6: Decimated Tokens Management

Managing your Decimated tokens within Trust Wallet is straightforward:

  • Send Decimated: Utilize the ‘Send’ feature to transfer tokens to other addresses.
  • Receive Decimated: Share your wallet address to receive tokens from other users.
  • Token Swap: Depending on network support, you might be able to swap Decimated tokens for other cryptocurrencies directly within Trust Wallet.

Can I Add Decimated to Trust Wallet?

Yes, adding Decimated to Trust Wallet is possible by either locating the token through the app’s search feature or manually entering its contract address. This flexibility ensures that Trust Wallet users can manage a wide array of digital assets, including gaming tokens like Decimated.

About Decimated

Decimated brings a unique blend of gaming and blockchain technology, creating an immersive post-apocalyptic world that rewards players with real-world value for their in-game achievements. By participating in the Decimated ecosystem, players can enjoy a rich gaming experience while engaging in the burgeoning field of play-to-earn and NFTs.


Adding Decimated to Trust Wallet is a seamless process that unlocks the potential to securely manage your gaming tokens. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-prepared to engage with the Decimated ecosystem, store your tokens safely, and participate in the dynamic world of blockchain gaming. Always remember to keep your recovery phrase in a safe place, as it is crucial for the security of your digital assets.

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