Add Aptos to Trust Wallet, a novel blockchain platform, has been gaining traction for its promise of delivering high scalability, reliability, and security in the decentralized world. If you’re looking to add Aptos tokens to your Trust Wallet, this simple guide will walk you through the process, ensuring you can manage and interact with your Aptos assets efficiently.

What Is Aptos ?

Aptos is a relatively new blockchain platform that has garnered attention for its focus on delivering high levels of scalability, security, and usability. Launched in 2022, Aptos is built by a team that includes former developers from the Diem project, a blockchain initiative originally started by Facebook. The platform aims to address some of the longstanding issues in blockchain technology, such as scalability and transaction speed, while maintaining a strong emphasis on security and decentralization.

How To Add Aptos to Trust Wallet

Step 1: Install and Configure Trust Wallet

Download: Start by downloading Trust Wallet from your mobile device’s app store.

Setup: Open the app and follow the on-screen instructions to create a new wallet or import an existing one. Make sure to securely store your recovery phrase.

Step 2: Utilize the Wallet’s ‘Receive’ Function

Access: In Trust Wallet, navigate to the ‘Receive’ section to see a list of supported tokens.

Search: Look for Aptos in the provided list.

Step 3: Locate Aptos

Find Aptos: Use the search function within the ‘Receive’ section. If Aptos is supported, it should appear here.

Step 4: Manual Addition of Aptos (If Required)

Manual Entry: If Aptos does not automatically appear in Trust Wallet, you may need to add it manually by obtaining the Aptos token’s contract address from a reliable source and using the ‘Add Custom Token’ feature within the app.

Step 5: Acquiring Aptos Tokens

Receive Tokens: With Aptos added, you can now receive tokens. Share your Trust Wallet address or QR code with the sender, or if you’re transferring from another wallet, use this address to send Aptos tokens to your Trust Wallet.

Step 6: Aptos Tokens Management

Manage Tokens: Trust Wallet allows you to manage your Aptos tokens easily. You can view your balance, send tokens to others, and use them for transactions or as part of your investment strategy.

Can i add Aptos  to Trust Wallet?

Trust Wallet, known for its extensive support for various cryptocurrencies and blockchain assets, had not officially announced support for Aptos tokens. However, Trust Wallet frequently updates its list of supported assets to include new and emerging cryptocurrencies as they gain popularity and meet the wallet’s security standards.

About Aptos

Aptos is a next-generation blockchain platform that has emerged with the promise of addressing the longstanding challenges of scalability, security, and usability in the blockchain ecosystem. Developed by some of the minds behind Facebook’s Diem project, Aptos aims to redefine the standards of decentralized networks. It is built on a foundation of cutting-edge research and technology, including a novel consensus mechanism known as AptosBFT, and the Move programming language, designed specifically for secure and efficient execution of decentralized applications (dApps).

The Aptos blockchain emphasizes high transaction throughput, low latency, and a user-friendly experience, making it an attractive platform for developers and users alike. Its infrastructure is designed to support a wide array of applications, from financial services and NFTs to complex, decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystems, all while ensuring a high degree of security and compliance with regulatory standards.


Aptos represents a significant leap forward in the quest to make blockchain technology more accessible, scalable, and secure. By focusing on the core issues that have hindered blockchain adoption and performance, Aptos offers a robust platform for the development and deployment of innovative dApps. Its commitment to creating a user-friendly blockchain experience, combined with its scalable architecture and security features, positions Aptos as a key player in the future of decentralized technology. As the Aptos ecosystem continues to grow and evolve, it holds the potential to drive widespread adoption of blockchain technology across various industries, making it a noteworthy development in the digital world.

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